A Dramatic Escape | Sasha Bikoff Design
In a home that is filled with a paradox of palettes, each room is a journey to another place, time, and vibe. Sweeping the soul from silence, reverence, and peace; to energetic bursts of life through various interpretations of the spring garden; to this dramatic escape.
Mid 19th Century Central Asian NingXia Carpet
This is a particularly large example of a Mandarin official’s carpet with a central medallion displaying nine lion dogs collectively symbolic of success on the national Chin Shih examination which provided guaranteed entry into the national administrative bureaucracy and the wealth devolving therefrom.
In the Beginning There Was Necessity
In the history of material culture we find ourselves studying the evolution of art through utilitarian objects – furniture, woven goods, pottery, etc. all fall into this category. It was not merely enough to make something useful – humans from cultures around the world were compelled to make objects that served a purpose, but were also beautiful. Through these items, the evolution of design is studied.